Intro bg


The golden dog that will carry you from Moon to Mars


Wtf is Cau Vang?

Hold me to da mars

Cau Vang 

is a community-first project on Optimism, backed by nothing except the love, passion and creativity of blockchain users and degens!

Cau Vang 

(literally translates to "Golden Boy") is the famous golden dog from an acclaimed Vietnamese short story named

Lao Hac

(roughly translates to "Old man Hac"). In said story, Cau Vang is a golden dog that was unfortunately sold to the butchers by the kind-hearted but poor and dying old man named Hac. Although Hac loved his Golden Boy very much, he had to sell the dog to save a bit of money for his only son before he tragically passed away.

Our wish is to create a parody where Cau Vang isn’t sold to make ends meet anymore (instead, hodling it will carry its holders to Mars).


Cau Vang

can reunite with

Mr. Hac

so they can live

happy together forever

on the blockchain.

Why Cau Vang?

Aside from the fact that Cau Vang might be your ticket to Mars, here are the reasons that you should be a part of it

So fair and Square

First and foremost, we embrace the community-first approach. We believe $VANG is for everyone. It’s a fair launch that allows all participants equal access to $VANG token over a long period of time (just like Bitcoin).

Much Innovation

We value innovation and are dedicated to constantly improving and evolving. This includes exploring new ideas and technologies to generate real values for the Cau Vang community.

Very Loving Community

Inclusivity is our key value and we strive to create a welcoming and open community for all individuals. All are welcome to become Golden Boys.

Such Dawg Energy

Even if you do not have an opinion on our products or on Optimism technicalities, just share your positivity and you're already creating value! This includes using humor and memes to engage with other Golden Boy followers and encourage participation.

The $VANG Token

Vang means "Gold"

Vang means Gold

Total supply:

999,999,999,999 $VANG


Governance token

At the start, $VANG is the governance token that allows participants to vote on critical proposals. In addition, the core team & partners are going to host hackathons to build various dApps around $VANG token that benefits to the ecosystem. $VANG holders are then able to stake to earn real yields from said dApps.

Deflationary token

Since the core team owns the liquidity, 50% trading fees in $VANG token will be collected from liquidity pool and burned frequently. Furthermore, we also support other blockchain startups in terms of marketing/promotion (and get their allocation in return). A portion of the allocation (~30%) would be distributed to all $VANG holders or used to buy back and burn $VANG. This will provide a constant deflation mechanism for $VANG token supply in the long run.


No VCs,

only fair launch. 90% of total supply will be added to a reputable AMM on Optimism for everyone to access equally.
The remaining 10% goes to

Vang Treasury

. Community members can vote to use that treasury for staking rewards, marketing proposals, sponsorship, hackathons grant or to burn $VANG.
Lao Hac

Don't sell your $VANG or risk being sold yourselves.

Hold vang

The $HAC Token

Lao Hac

Total supply:  

1,000 HAC


$HAC holders can stake to earn trading fees from the VANG-ETH pool on Optimism. Moreover, $HAC holders can get a 50% allocation share from partners of Cau Vang community if they contribute review articles or Twitter threads for those partners. More utilities of $HAC token (redeeming for NFTs or tickets for private parties, accessing to private rooms on Discord, etc.) will come later.


$HAC tokens are distributed to stakeholders (the core team and important communities, influencers, builders) that supports Cau Vang from the beginning.


The team does not initiate any liquidity pools for $HAC token as the sole purpose of this token is to honor contributors of Cau Vang. However, $HAC is tradable. Please be vigilant as bad actors might create fake $HAC token.

Want to get involved? Our Golden Boy is waiting for you to join!



Meme tokens are like a clown at a party - they're there to make laugh and have fun, not really offer much else. However, $VANG is the life of the party and the designated driver - it's fun and it comes with real VALUE for its holders! So put on your party hat and join CAU VANG community!

$VANG team raised funds from influencers and community leaders in Web3 space, but they won’t have $VANG as allocations. Instead, $HAC can be considered as their shares. Fund raised will be used to create a cool VANG-ETH liquidity pool! Now that's what I call putting your money where your mouth is!

DEFINITELY NOT. It's a fair launch. No one (including core team members, influencers & community leaders) have $VANG at the beginning to dump on your heads. Everyone can market buy $VANG from the liquidity pool.

Because their fund is used to initiate the VANG-ETH liquidity pool (1 $VANG is equivalent to 0.0000005 USD initially). The LP token (which is locked and CANNOT be withdrawn) will allow them to collect trading fees from the pool. You also can earn trading fees as well when you contribute liquidity to the VANG-ETH pool.

$HAC token is no joke, it's a crucial part of the CAU VANG ecosystem. The core team members who keep this project running hold $HAC, along with influencers and community leaders who have huge influence in Web3 Space. Without these players, we'd be straight up NGMI, so let's show some love for the $HAC crew!

$VANG team decided not to hand you a roadmap on a silver platter, but don't freak out just yet. We’re leaving it up to the community to create the roadmap and list of functions later on! Why? Well, if you've been around the block in this wild Web3 Space, you know things change faster than a chameleon on a rainbow! So we're putting our faith in you, the community, to reflect the market sentiment in the fastest and most accurate way possible. Let's do this, CAU VANG community!

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© 2023 Cau Vang. All right reserved.